In the 4G, 5G era, how do we choose a viable base station battery solution?

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Inthe 4G era, the trend of miniaturization and integration of base stations putshigher demands on the performance of lithium battery backup power. Lithium ironphosphate battery packs are expected to break through in the field ofcommunication base stations with outstanding performance advantages andincreasing cost performance. It is expected that the demand for communicationlithium batteries will continue to grow rapidly in the next three years.

Applicationof lithium iron phosphate battery in communication industry

(a)an outdoor base station;

(b)a base station without air conditioning such as village communication;

(c)an indoor macro base station with tight space;

(d)DC-powered indoor coverage/distributed source stations;

(e)Solar photovoltaic base stations without mains or third- and fourth-classelectricity areas;

(f)WLAN site of DC power supply scheme, etc.

48Vlithium iron phosphate battery pack will become the mainstream of communicationbase station application

1,48V lithium iron phosphate battery pack communication lithium battery price hasdropped to CNY1 / WH or so, and gradually approached CNY0.6 / WH of lead-acidcommunication battery. From the number of cycles, the lithium iron phosphatebattery can reach more than 3000 times, while the lead-acid battery is onlyabout 300 times, and the cost per single cycle is as low as that of lead-acidbatteries;

2.Lithium battery packs have obvious performance advantages over lead-acidbatteries, such as environmental protection, low maintenance cost, high energydensity, strong environmental adaptability, long service life, etc., which aremore suitable for 4G communication base stations.

3.With the gradual popularization of 4G communication base stations, the futureincrease and improvement of base station construction demand by communicationoperators will increase rapidly, driving the demand for communication lithiumiron phosphate batteries.

Atpresent, the mainstream of communication lithium batteries is the twocomplementary technical paths of ternary system and lithium iron phosphatesystem. The ternary battery has higher energy density and shorter cycle times,while the 48V lithium iron phosphate battery has the opposite. High safetyperformance and high cycle performance. From the perspective of cost, since theaverage service life of the lithium iron phosphate battery is longer than thatof the ternary battery, the use cost of lithium iron phosphate per unit time islower.

Inthe future, with the large-scale production of energy storage lithiumbatteries, the cost will continue to decline, and the 48V lithium ironphosphate battery pack will play an increasingly important role in the backuppower supply field of communication base stations. With the development ofelectric vehicles and lithium battery energy storage industry, lithium batteryapplications continue to scale, prices will become lower and lower, and moreand more competitive.

Inthe entire communication energy storage system, the battery is only a part ofit, in addition to BMS, wire harness and building structural parts, of whichbattery management system (BMS) technology is the key to the communicationenergy storage system.

Advantagesof lithium iron phosphate battery for communication compared with lead-acidbattery:

High energy density: the nominal voltage is 3.2V, the energy densityis about 4 times that of lead-acid batteries, and the volume is small and theweight is light;

High temperature performance: the battery works normally when theexternal temperature is 55 °C;

Strong safety: Lithium iron phosphate cathode material has goodelectrochemical performance, the charging and discharging platform is verystable, the structure is stable during charging and discharging, the batterydoes not burn, does not explode, and has good safety;

The application of lithium iron phosphate battery for communicationcan reflect the needs of energy saving and emission reduction work such as“energy saving”, “material saving” and “land saving” compared with traditionallead-acid batteries;

Environmental protection: The whole production process is clean andnon-toxic, and all raw materials are non-toxic;

Long cycle life: 1C charge and discharge at room temperature, thecapacity of the monomer after 3000 cycles is still greater than 80%.

Inorder to meet the needs of the communication base station industry, lithiumiron phosphate battery packs are mainly available in 12V and 48V modules. Thecapacity levels are 10Ah, 20Ah, 50Ah, 150Ah, 200Ah, etc. The battery modulescan be connected in series and in parallel. A battery pack with a voltagerating and multiple capacities meets the various needs of switching powersupplies and UPS power supplies.

Withthe advent of the information age, communication base stations are particularlyimportant to people. At present, the 48V lithium iron phosphate battery packhas been applied in the field of communication. Due to the large number of communicationbase stations, the future prospect of lithium batteries is limitless.