Four Maintenance Methods for UPS Lithium-ion Batteries

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Many people believe that batteries do not require maintenance, especially when using UPS power. However, the fact is that battery issues caused by lack of maintenance account for a significant proportion of all UPS lithium-ion battery failures. Therefore, performing regular maintenance on UPS lithium-ion batteries can greatly extend their lifespan and reduce the failure rate. This article will analyze four maintenance methods for UPS lithium-ion batteries.

1. Use UPS Lithium-ion Batteries in Appropriate Ambient Temperatures

Ambient temperature is one of the main factors affecting battery lifespan. Battery manufacturers typically recommend an optimal ambient temperature range between 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. Although higher temperatures can increase battery discharge capacity, the cost is a significantly reduced lifespan. Experimental measurements show that once the ambient temperature exceeds 25 degrees Celsius, every 10-degree increase will halve the battery’s lifespan. Additionally, higher ambient temperatures can enhance the chemical activity inside the battery, generating a lot of heat, which in turn further increases the ambient temperature. This vicious cycle will accelerate the shortening of the battery’s lifespan.

2. Regularly Charge and Discharge UPS Lithium-ion Batteries

  1. 1.The floating charge voltage and discharge voltage in the UPS power supply are adjusted to the rated value at the factory, and the discharge current increases with the load. When in use, the load should be reasonably adjusted, controlling the number of electronic devices such as microcomputers. Under normal circumstances, the load should not exceed 60% of the rated load of the UPS power supply, within this range, the battery discharge current will not be too high.

  2. 2.Due to the UPS power supply being connected to the mains for a long time, in cases of high power supply quality and few mains failures, the battery remains in a floating charge state for extended periods. This reduces the battery's chemical energy to electrical energy conversion activity, accelerates aging, and shortens its lifespan. Therefore, it is generally recommended to fully discharge the battery once every 2 to 3 months. The discharge time can be determined based on the battery capacity and load size. After a full discharge, it should be charged for more than 8 hours as per the regulations.

3. Utilize the Communication Function of the UPS Power Supply

Currently, most medium and large UPS power supplies have the capability to communicate with microcomputers and perform program-controlled operations. By installing the corresponding software on the microcomputer and connecting it to the UPS power supply via serial/parallel ports, communication between the microcomputer and the UPS power supply can be achieved. Generally, this includes functions like information inquiry, parameter setting, timed settings, and automatic shutdown alarms. Through information inquiry, you can obtain data such as mains input voltage, UPS power output voltage, load utilization rate, battery capacity utilization rate, internal temperature, and mains frequency. Parameter settings allow you to configure the basic characteristics of the UPS power supply, battery runtime, and battery low warning. These intelligent operations significantly facilitate the use and management of UPS power supplies and their batteries.

4. Promptly Replace Damaged UPS Power Supply Batteries

Currently, the number of batteries equipped with medium and large UPS power supplies ranges from 3 to 80 or more. These individual batteries are connected through circuits to form a battery pack, meeting the UPS power supply’s demand for DC power. During continuous operation and usage of the UPS power supply, individual batteries will inevitably degrade in performance and capacity due to differences in performance and quality, failing to meet requirements. When some batteries in the battery pack are damaged, maintenance personnel should inspect and remove the damaged batteries one by one. When replacing batteries, it is recommended to purchase batteries of the same manufacturer and model as much as possible. Mixing different types of batteries, such as acid batteries, sealed batteries, and different specifications of batteries, is prohibited.

In summary, the above methods can be encapsulated in four words: appropriate temperature, regular charge and discharge, utilize communication function, and promptly replace damaged batteries. Maintaining a UPS power supply is not complicated; with careful observation and summarization of various characteristics and methods, you can greatly improve its efficiency and lifespan.